The National Self-Represented Litigants Project – Final Report

The National Self-Represented Litigants Project: Identifying and Meeting the Needs of Self-Represented Litigants – Final Report (May, 2103)

Boy oh boy!  This is the major academic study of Canadian self-reps.  It looks at who self-reps are, what their needs are, and how the family law system can help them.  It covers as much as one could expect and does so in an easy to read way.

64% of family court cases begun in Ontario (74% in the 2 main Toronto courts) are begun by people acting for themself.

This report does more than any other to understand who self-reps are, what they expect from the process, and what their frustrations and needs are.  It also looks at the community at large, and the family law profession in particular, to see what could be done to help them.te

The Report was prepared by Dr. Julie Macfarlane, a Full Professor in the Faculty of Law, University of Windsor, and she was awarded a University of Windsor Professorship (the highest honour of the University) in the Fall of 2014.

Also check out The National Self-Represented Litigants Project Blog.  More terrific reading.

Click below to read the Report

adobe_pdf_iconNational Self Represented Litigants Project, Final Report